Friday, November 16, 2012

Hiding the Water Jug

We have a water dispenser out in the open for all to see. I'ts not by choice, it's a necessity due to the fact that I just don't have a lot of space. I hated seeing the water jug all the time, it was just so utilitarian ya know?  

  So I was determined to hide it in someway. It had to stay where it was but I sure could make it prettier to look at couldn't I? So I brought out the drop cloth, cut a circle for the top, measured the circumference  of the bottle to make the rest and added a pleated bottom. I also iron on a graphic to dress it up a bit. I put a couple of ties in the back and called it done. 

So what'cha think? Better?

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  1. Pretty darn cute!! What a great idea!


  2. Hmmm...would you look at that?!

    A fancy little cover. What a great idea.

  3. Love what you did. Don't have a water cooler, but if I did I'd copy your idea.

  4. Well, that is just too cute! Love it!

  5. hehe KC, I am thinking about making some to put in my Etsy store if there is enough interest.


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