Wednesday, December 8, 2010

Boring white thrift store find transformed!

 I found this little white piece of furniture at my local thrift shop, it was solid and well made so I snatched it up for $10

Enter Spray Kiltz, Valspar Belle Grove Aloe Green sample size, Mocha Glaze and a Purdy paintbrush, lots of rags .

Laid her on her back to save mine, LOL
Here she is in all her beauty!

Close up of knobs and applique, I really love this color.
Details, ....I  sanded it slightly and a once over with KILTZ before painting it with Valspar Belle Green  , I also added a darling basket of flowers furniture applique to make it purdy. After everything dried I slopped on a coat of mocha glaze, added some clock knobs from Hobby Lobby, wiped her down and stood back and admired. I think I love it!


  1. what a great little find! i love that table- it looks so cute!

  2. visiting from Primitive and Proper and your newest follower. Awesome job!

  3. love this!! Tell me, is glaze very hard to work with? I am thinking about using it but i'm a little intimidated!

  4. No it's soooo easy Carisa, it's very forgiving! Just slop it on literally, let it stay for just a couple minutes then wipe it off til it looks good to you. I always put a little extra in the details areas so the really stand out. After all is said and done, it's just paint and glaze and if you don't like it, do it again til you do. Go for it!

  5. Love this too! You find some cute cheap things :)


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