Wednesday, June 6, 2012

Introducing the Flock

I love going out in the morning to gather eggs, the hens never fail to entertain me.
They see me coming from far away and scurry over to where I am trying to be the first to get their breakfast.
That's Betty the Amerucana on top of the water container, she the boss of the hen house even tho she is the smallest, cool thing about her is she lays blue and green eggs. She cleaning up a bit before she eats.
This chubby little lady is Goldie the Buff Orpington she loves setting on eggs, anybody's eggs, she's not picky.
Here is Mabel, she is a Barred Rock, the other chickens are jealous of her because she's so pretty.
Maggie is pretty calm she also lays about 1 egg per day, brown eggs.
Snow and her sister White lay huge white eggs every single day!
Tillie, Goldie's sister doesn't care about laying on eggs, she just wants to eat.
These are my two little beauties, Slate and Silver, they are Blue Orpingtons, so sweet and calm.
Here they are checking out the living/laying quarters.
My newest additions, Black with White Crested Polish. I keep them in the temporary holding pen until they get a bit bigger so the other hens won't pick on them. They are so sweet and tame, just like pets. I would love to free range my chicks but there are too many predators around so I just can't take the chance. Eventually I'm going to build a bigger area for them to roam in but for now they have it pretty good.
If you haven't tried raising chickens I would highly recommend it, it's easy, fun and free entertainment.


  1. I want some chickens--a farm needs chickens, right? Am having a tough time convincing my hubby--maybe next year---Enjoyed reading about yours, though. . .

  2. Love the names you've given your chickies! Aren't they funny to watch?

  3. What fun!1 Thanks for sharing pictures of your chickens!!


  4. I just happened upon your blog and LOVE IT!!

  5. Oh, how did I miss this post? I love your chickens, Teresa, and it was fun to "meet" you chickens! :)

    Isn't it so amazing how they have their own distinct personalities right off the bat? We just got chicks this spring, and I am so much enjoying it...although I will be glad when they can move into an outdoor coop! :)

    I hope you are doing well, and that you had a great weekend!


  6. Glad to hear that you protect them from predators. I've never been around chickens before. Are they pretty tame? Can you pick them up and hold them? Since you've named your chickens I know they will only be used for laying eggs! They are so cute.

  7. I've never seen anything like those last two chickens. They are beautiful! I stopped by to thank you for joining my great group of friends at It's All Connected and got wrapped up in looking around your blog. Following you now! ~ Maureen


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